Skin Illustrator Glazing Spray
Shades |
Skin Illustrater Glazing Sprays are the airbrush companions to the Glazing Gels. Glazing Sprays are a collection of water-based transparent colors which allow you to do bruise and injury work directly on the skin. Designed for extreme close-up work, Glazing Spray wear exceptionally well for the demands of High Definition Film and Television work. From subtle to over the top, Glazing Sprays allow you to create realistic sunburn, freckles, shadows and illnesses that look like they're 'in' the skin, not 'on' the skin.Glazing Sprays offers a realistic subtlety that you just can’t get with heavier SPFX materials.
Removal is easy with Super Solv, or Telesis Makeup Remover.
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