Mouldlife Super Baldiez Encapsulator
Super Baldiez is formulated to be used for both encapsulating Platsil gel 10 appliances and creating bald caps. Super Baldiez edges can be blended into the skin using IPA in the same way other bald caps plastics use Acetone, but much less likely to irritate skin. Super Baldiez is stronger, clearer and gives you slightly more time to create Bald Caps. A bald cap can be created by painting or spraying 4 to 6 coats of plastic cap material onto a plastic head block, letting each coat dry completely. Thirty minutes after the last coat is dry, the cap is ready to be worn. To remove the cap from the block, powder the cap and work a little powder under the cap edges.
16 oz.
UPC: 840139301346
This product may contain flammable ingredients and can only be shipped via ground.